Hyungjin Eoh Lab

Lab Members


Hyungjin Eoh, DVM. Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Keck School of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
E-mail: heoh@usc.edu
Phone: (323) 442-6048

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Dr. Eoh received DVM from Seoul National University, Seoul in South Korea and received his Ph.D from Colorado State University. He was a postdoc at Weill Cornell Medical School, Cornell University, NYC.
BS. & DVM: Seoul National University
MS.: Yonsei University
Ph.D: Colorado State University

Dr. Eoh joined USC and established his own laboratory in 2015, studying new adaptive metabolism used by M. tuberculosis bacterial pathogen of tuberculosis using his own metabolomics platform. His ultimate goal is to discover new tuberculosis antibiotics and diagnostic methods to shorten tuberculosis treatment duration.

Dr. Eoh is also interested in intensive collaboration using his metabolomics platform to elucidate the pathophysiology of Non-tuberculosis mycobacterium (NTM) infection; neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and alzheimer’s disease (AD); tumorigenic viral infection mediated hijacking host metabolism such as KSHV and HBV; fatty liver transformation induced by high fat diet or alcoholism; and others.

Dr. Eoh enjoys his free time by watching movies and hiking mountains.

Jae Jin (Joey) Lee, Ph.D.

2015 Ph.D. Myongji University, Korea
2016-Present, Research Associate, Keck School of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, University of Southern California
E-mail: jaejinle@usc.edu
Phone: (213) 421-4220

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Research interests: I am interested in new i) TB vaccine, ii) anti-TB drug discovery, iii) TB diagnostic tool.


Gi Yong (Ian) Lee, Ph.D.

MS. Ph.D. ChungAng University, Korea
2024-Present, Post-doc, Keck School of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, University of Southern California
E-mail: giyongle@usc.edu
Phone: (213)-916-6210

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Research interests: Molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance / Bacterial cross-talk / Host-Pathogen interaction / Multiomics.

Yejin Kim

2024-Present, Master’s Student, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: ykim2286@usc.edu
Phone: (213)-272-4360

1. Education: B.S Biological and Chemical Engineering SangMyong University, South Korea.
2. Her current research interests include understanding how metabolic pathways influence TB disease progression and treatment outcomes using metabolomics and CRISPRi gene editing tech.
3. Publications: No link yet.
4. In her free time, she enjoys running and weight training.

Keun (Kevin) Choi

2024-Present, Master’s Student, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: keunchoi@usc.edu
Phone: (818)-326-9559

1. Education: B.S Microbiology UC Santa Barbara
2. Research Interest: My research interests are in studying how mycobacterium tuberculosis can remodel its metabolism to adapt to antibiotics.
3. Publication/Link:
4. Hobbies: Gaming, Reading, Music


Lab Manager, Ph.D.

Lab Manager, Ph.D in Cell Biology
E-mail: fishhj72@gmail.com.
Phone: (323)-442-6048

I. Education: Ph.D Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Colorado State University.
II. Research Interest: Mentoring undergraduate researchers and new Eoh-vengers.
III. Hobbies: Watching movies.

Brandon Do

B.S candidate in Human Biology, University of Southern California.
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: bmdo@usc.edu
Phone: (630)-345-2480

1. Education: Brandon is an undergraduate at USC pursuing a B.S. in Human Biology and a minor in Health Care Administration with the eventual goal to attend medical school.
2. His current research interests concern identifying specific components and patterns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis’ secretome response when treated with front-line antibiotics of varying modes of action. Potential metabolic components of the secretome could become potential targets for future antibiotics. Also, he studies the antimicrobial effects of cyclic dipeptides against M. tuberculosis and the potential as an adjunctive treatment strategy.
3. No link yet.
4. In his free time, Brandon loves playing basketball (really any sport), working out, watching K-Dramas, and running his own tailoring business.

JJ Santos

John Jiro (JJ) Santos

USC Undergraduate Student in Biochemistry (BS, Dornsife), Masters in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (MS, KSOM)

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: johnjiro@usc.edu
Phone: (408)-643-1612

1. Education: USC Undergraduate Student in Biochemistry (BS, Dornsife), Masters in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (MS, KSOM)
2. Research Interest: Determining how M.tb remodels its metabolic pathways in the long-chain or short-chain fatty acid metabolism pathways by M.tb desaturase activities.
3. Publication/Link: N/A
4. Hobbies: Biking, Working out, Reading

Sree Gelle

USC Undergraduate Student in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, University of Southern California
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: gelle@usc.edu.
Phone: (925)-548-3068

I. Education: B.S. Candidate in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, University of Southern California.
II. Research Interest: Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance and new drug targets for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
III. Hobbies: Reading, Listening to Podcasts, Playing Sports (Cricket & Basketball), and Listening to Music.


You can also be a New Eoh-venger

E-mail: heoh@usc.edu
Phone: Send Eoh lab (heoh@usc.edu) your CV.

Research interests: Mechanisms of drug tolerance, antibiotic resistance and immune evasion in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Past Members

Juhyeon Lim

M.S  Myongji University
Research Lab Technician, Keck School of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, University of Southern California
E-mail: juhyeonlim88@gmail.com
Phone: (213)421-4221
Current position: Research Associate in Acurastem

Rachel Liu

B.S. candidate in Biology, University of Southern California
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Keck Medical School
Email: ryliu@usc.edu
Phone number: (208) 284-5747
Current position: MD student in Vanderbilt University

Research interests: Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Stephanie Dihardjo

B.S   University of California Riverside
MMI Master Student, Keck School of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, University of Southern California
E-mail: dihardjo@usc.edu

Jerry Wu

B.S candidate in Biochemistry, University of Southern California
Master of Science Candidate in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Keck School of Medicine of USC.
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: jerryw@usc.edu
Phone: (626)-789-4521


Warisa Ketphan

DVM, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Master of Science Candidate in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Keck School of Medicine of USC.
Research Assistant, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: ketphan@usc.edu
Phone: (626) 689 1644
Current Position: Veterinarian, National Institute of Animal Health Bangkok City, Thailand

Camila Gaspar Quinonez

BSc (Hons) Biochemistry, University of Westminster
Master of Research in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Imperial College London
PhD in Biochemistry, University of Westminster
Visiting Scholar, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: camila.gaspar@my.westminster.ac.uk
Phone: (213) 422 5375

Current Position: iGEM Startups


Shengjia (Jeffrey) Gao

B.S. in Biochemistry, Ohio State University
M.S. candidate in Biological Science, Cal Poly Pomona
Research Lab Technician, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: gsj8910@gmail.com
Phone: (626) 863-6069

Sung Ho (Roy) Kang

B.S candidate in Biochemistry, University of Southern California
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: sunghoka@usc.edu
Phone: (323) 794-6657
Current position: MD


Tristan Jordan

B.S. Biological Sciences, University of Southern California
Master of Science Candidate in Global Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC
Research Assistant, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: tristanj@usc.edu
Phone: (609)-575-7583
Current position: Resident Physician at Yale

Chuwen Ge

B.S candidate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Davis
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: cwge@ucdavis.edu
Phone: (626) 383-0143
Current position: MD student

Anna Clara Milesi Galdino

M.S. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Candidate in Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Visiting Scholar, Keck School of Medicine of USC
E-mail: galdino.acm@gmail.com
Phone: (310) 560-5636
Current Position: Postdoc in City of Hope